Student Enrolment Form

    Course Information

    Select Course (required):

    Select Date of Course (required):

    Attendee Information

    NOTE: If you do not already have your unique USI, then download this pdf with step by step instructions: How to get my USI

    New Zealand & Overseas students: You will not have a USI. Please type XXXXXXXXXX

    Attendee's Date of Birth (DOB) (required):

    Please note: If you are a Victorian student aged under 25, we will need your Victorian Student Number (VSN).

    If you are unable to provide us with your VSN because you are new to the Education System in Victoria, please indicate below:

    If you have been a student of another Victorian School, TAFE or other training provider, and do not have your VSN number, please provide the name of your previous Victorian school, TAFE or other training provider. This will assist us in our reporting requirements to the Victorian Government:

    Residential or Postal Address

    Attendee's Other Details

    Disability, impairment or long-term condition

    Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long-term condition?

    If yes, please specify the nature of this disability, impairment or condition. Please ask if you need assistance.


    Have you successfully completed any of the following qualifications or units within these qualifications?

    School Level

    Current Employment Status

    Of the following categories, which BEST describes your current employment status?

    Reason for Attending

    How did you find out about this course?

    Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander

    In which Country were you born?

    Do you speak a language other than English at home?

    Dietary Requirements

    Employer Information

    Language, Literacy, Numeracy & Digital Assessment (LLND)

    Prior to course commencement we have to ensure that basic LLND standards are met. This also ensures that any person who may need reasonable adjustments or further support can be arranged, identified prior to course commencement. Please complete LLND form that was attached to your enrolment email, and return to

    Privacy, Consent & Student Declaration

    Where personal information is collected from a student, RTOs must retain evidence that the student is aware of the purposes for which information may be used. I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information in accordance with the Privacy Notice in the GMS Student Handbook.
    I have read and understood the Student Handbook (available at information and accept the terms and conditions of enrolment with Gray Management Systems.
    We do not plan to obtain USIs on behalf of our students.

    Note: We are unable to issue you with a Statement of Attainment without collecting your USI number from you.

    Submission of this enrolment signifies that the above information is understood and accepted by the applicant.

    For more information in relation to how student information may or may not be used or disclosed, please contact our office on 1300 906 003.

    Would you like to receive regular update regarding training dates and compliance news? And we will add you to our mail chimp list.

    We thank you for enrolling on one of our courses and are sure you will enjoy the training.

    Loren Gray, Director, Gray Management Systems
